
Top Ad Solutions for Boosting Your Website’s User Experience and Revenue

As a website owner, finding the right balance between user experience and ad revenue can be challenging. The good news is that with the right ad solutions, you can not only maximize revenue but also enhance the overall experience for your website visitors. In this blog, we will higlight a range of ad formats—each designed to drive engagement, maintain a seamless user experience, and maximize monetization. Let’s explore some of the top ad solutions that can help boost both user experience and your bottom line.

1. Display Ads: A Classic Revenue Driver

Display ads are one of the most common and widely recognized ad formats, appearing in standard banner sizes across desktop and mobile devices. Despite their simplicity, display ads are effective when used strategically. Optimizing display ad placements by using standard IAB sizes will ensure that ads blend seamlessly into the website’s design while maximizing visibility and revenue.

By positioning display ads in high-traffic areas, like above the fold or within the content itself, website owners can generate higher click-through rates (CTR) without disrupting the user experience. With multiple units per page and optimized placements, display ads remain a solid foundation for any monetization strategy.

2. Sticky Ads: Visibility that Follows the User

Sticky ads are semi-transparent ad units that remain in a fixed position as users scroll through the page. This format guarantees high visibility and strong viewability rates, resulting in better ad performance and higher CPMs. Sticky ads can be placed as sidebars or footers and disappear when users reach the end of the content, ensuring they don’t interfere with important site elements like navigation menus or links.

For website owners, sticky ads offer a non-intrusive way to keep ads in front of users for longer, increasing impressions without harming the user experience.

3. Interstitial Ads: High-Impact Engagement

Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that appear at natural breakpoints, such as when a user transitions between pages. These ads command attention and deliver premium CPMs due to their high visibility. When used sparingly and triggered at the right moments, interstitial ads can be an effective way to monetize without overwhelming the user.

Now, you can control when interstitial ads are displayed, ensuring they don’t disrupt the browsing experience while maximizing the impact of these high-value placements.

4. Outstream and In-Stream Video Ads: Driving Engagement with Video

Video ads have become a top-performing format, offering higher engagement and click-through rates compared to static ads. Outstream video ads auto-play within content but outside of a traditional video player, making them ideal for websites without existing video content. In-stream video ads, on the other hand, play before, during, or after video content, making them highly engaging for users already watching a video.

AI-generated in-stream video ad units (such as Newor Media’s AIVision in-stream video ad solutions) offer custom video placements that drive engagement, increase dwell times, and maximize ad revenue—all while enhancing the user experience.


Maximizing ad revenue doesn’t have to come at the expense of user experience. By leveraging a mix of ad formats—such as display ads, sticky units, interstitials, and video ads—publishers can create a more engaging and seamless experience for their visitors while optimizing monetization. Here at Newor Media, our suite of innovative ad solutions ensure that our publishers can enhance both user satisfaction and revenue!

Bridget George

Senior Account Manager, Publisher Development: Newor Media

Bridget is a dynamic business development and account manager. She has been in the ad tech industry for over 7 years and is known for her ability to drive innovative solutions and foster strategic growth. Passionate about her work, she excels in managing key accounts and ensuring client satisfaction.