
8 Key Strategies For Increasing AdSense Earnings

Google AdSense is still one of the go-to platforms many bloggers turn to when they want to monetize their websites. Although bloggers favor the easy process, strict policies make scaling a challenge. When selling ad space with AdSense, various factors need to align to help meet your monetization expectations. Even then -with all the added effort- your Google AdSense earnings may still not meet expectations.

So how do you apply more concrete strategies?

The good news is, there are many effective methods that you can implement to boost revenue. Here are eight key strategies:

1. Produce High-Quality Content At Scale

When companies start to pour marketing dollars into Google AdSense, the difficult part is to come up with new strategies that help them increase AdSense revenue. When it comes to blogs and articles you publish on your web page to improve traffic, there are some major elements you need to consider before publishing new content on your web page. Below are the key quality indicators to incorporate to increase AdSense earnings.

Create High-Quality Content

Content is the cornerstone of marketing and advertising in any type of business. Publishing high-quality content on your web page increases traffic — enabling you to retain your existing audience base while continuing to grow. With good quality content that aligns with your customer’s expectations, you can raise your site traffic and considerably increase cost per click (CPC) rates. Posting high-quality content that is pertinent to your business is the key to increasing AdSense earnings.

Ensure A Healthy Engagement Rate

If some of your web pages are seriously lacking engagement, then the very first thing you need to do is to turn your attention to them. Without engaging, high-quality content, your business will eventually struggle to retain some of your revenue-driving customers. A high engagement rate indicates how much your customers are interested in your brand. In this way, the number of connections to your business begins to increase.

2. Find Your Perfect Ad Placements

What most people overlook when it comes to increasing their AdSense earnings is the position of the AdSense ads on their business’ web page. As some of your web pages can have a potential number of visitors, it is important to figure out the best position by leveraging A/B test ad placement. You can also utilize Google CTR to analyze and determine your click count and help you understand the number of times your ad is shown on your web page. Moreover, a perfect ad placement makes your visitors easily see the AdSense Ads on your web page. Placing the right AdSense ads at the right place on your web page, such as the home page, blog, and service page is one of the best practices to increase your AdSense earnings.

Utilize Tools Like Google Heatmap

With Google Heatmap, you can easily know where your AdSense ads would receive the highest click-through rates (CTR). The CTR is the number of clicks that your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown on your business web page. It is also paramount to remember that revamping your header sidebar on your web page from time to time helps you optimize your ad revenue and streamline your AdSense account.

Creating page heatmaps for different sections of your business webpage opens up a new door of opportunity for you to increase your AdSense earnings. This is executed with the help of tools like HotJar and CrazyEgg. For example, some of the very famous newspaper and magazine websites, such as the NYTimes, are known for their perfect placement of AdSense ads that do not affect the reader’s readability, and at the same time, they deliver a valuable and engaging reader experience, of both content and AdSense ads.

With the CTR and Google Heatmap in place, figuring out the best way to increase AdSense earnings is not as hard as you might think it is.

3. Focus on Ad Size for Click-Through Rate

One of the most common questions for many people who want to master AdSense and increase ad revenue is which are the best and right ad sizes. There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to sizing up AdSense ads for your web page. However, it is important to know that the right ad size depends on your existing web page user experience strategies.

Many Google AdSense experts feel that a large rectangle size is known to be more effective and easier for people, particularly when it comes to blogs and other informative articles you publish for your visitors to read and stay engaged with the business. This is where you need to focus and revamp your existing web page to deliver the best user experience for your website’s visitors. With the help of CTR, the right ad size can be optimized, and you can create a whole new strategy to elevate your AdSense earnings and ad revenue. Since the medium rectangle is perfectly-sized for in-content ads, it is considered to be the best CTR for most websites.

Recommended ad sizes

Here are the top-performing Google AdSense sizes that create the best user experience for your customers and make your site look more appealing:

  • The Large Rectangle (336×280) – This ad size is one of the top-performing Google Adsense sizes for a wide variety of content, as they are more noticeable for their large rectangle size.
  • The Medium Rectangle (300×250) – This ad size supports both display and text ads in different layouts, such as mobile and desktop. One of the best things about this size is that it is the most fitting size. Many UI/UX experts consider this size for multiple types of content, as this size is one of the easiest sizes that perfectly fits in the sidebar and also inside the content section without disrupting the user experience of the web page.  
  • The leaderboard size (728×90) – The leaderboard size is a traditional banner ad size which is not only a perfect size for a website header and also supports both image ad formats and text. One of the major downsides of this ad size is the lack of support for mobile ads.

4. Try Best-Performing Ad Types

Choosing the best-performing ad types is the key to getting the most out of your AdSense CPC and driving profitable ad revenue for your business. Understanding different formats of AdSense ads help you devise the best strategy for increasing your AdSense earnings. There are various ad types and formats that help you align the ads with the content of the page and web page layout. Some of the most popular and top-performing ad types that can play an integral part in boosting your ad revenue are display ads, text ads, video ads (rich media), link unit ads, and matched content native ads.

Display Ads

Not too many years ago, display ads were typically image banner ads available in numerous dimensions—from leaderboard size to small button size. After many upgrades, Google made multiple changes in the display ad types and made them suit specific ad types and sizes. Ads that contain combinations of text and image formats are termed display ads. Display ads include simple text, rich media, and image ads, including flash or video ads.

Text Ads

Text ads are almost similar to display ads with only a minor difference which is that they will show text ads instead of video or rich media content. In the text ads, you can find a headline, brief text, and an image. Sometimes, they may also be placed on the right side or the right rail of a LinkedIn desktop layout. The only difference between text ads and display ads is that text ads cannot show video content. If your ads are not mostly focused on video or image content, text ads are the perfect AdSense ad types. Moreover, text ads show 3 to 4 ads in a single unit.

Video Ads

Now Google offers high-performing video ads that help the publishers promote and easily monetize their websites. Video ads are also called interactive advertisements, and they are in multiple formats, such as images, videos, and HTML. With horizontal, vertical, and square-shaped head categories, video ads or rich media ads offer more options and varieties to the users. Moreover, video ads play a vital role in increasing your CPC rates.

Link Unit Ads

Link unit ads are one of the famous AdSense CPC ad units that allow visitors to click on a similar keyword or topic they are interested in. This way, you can generate more traffic to your web page. Link units consist of keywords, which are determined based on an analysis of the surrounding characters.

Matched Content Ads

Matched content ads look similar and blend with the content on your own site. As a result, they are non-intrusive and don’t disrupt UX. These ads help you choose the best keywords and ads in the right combination. Moreover, matched content ads enable you to understand where to place your ads.

5. Pick the Right Keywords to Target

Choosing the right keywords is one of the most important factors that should be taken into account when working on increasing your ad revenue and AdSense earnings. Attracting the right set of consumers is more important than increasing your AdSense CPC. The most appropriate keywords that you use in your content on your web page. Plus, it helps you gain more organic traffic, which is highly indispensable in the world of SEO. This is one of the most important reasons why you should focus more on search engine optimization (SEO) and escaping low CPM rates.

Choosing the right and high-performing keywords can dramatically improve CTR from the Google search engine. With an optimized on-page, your site can enjoy a high AdSense CPC rate, eventually resulting in increased AdSense earnings. Besides that, you should also pay more attention to search volumes, keyword difficulty, click-through rate, and result page features. Fortunately, there are several tools you can leverage to choose the best keywords for your AdSense search engine optimization. For example, tools such as Semrush, Ahrefs, and Google keyword planner, enable you to leverage data for keyword campaigns.

6. Use Automated Optimizations

When it comes to blog monetization, a data-driven approach is essential to stay competitive and resilient in today’s world. Google AdSense helps website owners, brands, and bloggers enhance their ad revenues with automated optimization experiments. These experiments test different ad settings, such as ad sizes, native ad unit settings, and auto ad formats for any site that you’ve set auto ads up for. 

Auto ad optimizations only run on 5% of your site traffic, so publishers don’t have to worry about a failed test having a significant monetary impact. Google AdSense automatically updates your ad and account settings to improve ad revenues and user experience when tests are finished. Of course, website owners are always notified of these updates, and retain the ability to undo any changes made.

7. Leverage SEO for Better Website Traffic

With the help of SEO, a website owner can effectively find the right keywords to reach the right audience at the right time. Combining high-performing keywords with high-quality content, you can significantly expand your reach and connect with the right audience. As SEO is a powerful marketing tool, businesses are vying to incorporate various SEO strategies to get better website traffic. Analyzing how many people search the keywords that are pertinent to your business is one of the best ways to increase website traffic. Tracking the page views of certain blogs in which you have invested a lot of time and money is instrumental in optimizing your AdSense revenue. In this context, Google Analytics helps you find the appropriate keywords and allows you to do an accurate SEO study.

Today, SEO is not the same as it was a couple of years ago. As technology develops, needs also change and search methods may differ accordingly. Data science and algorithms created a paradigm shift in how data can be leveraged in a very effective way. SEO is now not a friend of keyword stuffing, as it focuses much more on context. Repeating keywords all over your website is not going to help you anymore. With the introduction of long-tail keywords and phrases, the world of SEO gives more power to unique and relevant content and keywords.

Effectively leveraging SEO can make a huge difference in your overall AdSense performance.

8. Optimize the User Experience

Positive user experience is a cornerstone of any business. User experience is all you need to care about, especially when your business does not have a physical presence. Since the pandemic, easy user experience has been one of the most indispensable elements for customer retention. User experience is among the most overlooked factors when it comes to digital marketing and advertising. Increasing engagement metrics on your site is the best way to optimize your business’s and website’s user experience. By focusing on immediate quick wins, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and UX UI enhancements, you can enhance and optimize your website’s user experience.

It is not the quality and affordability of the product or service that make a huge difference in retaining your customers, but the user experience. With quality, unique, and creative content, you can easily make your website “sticky.” This means the more engaging and relevant your content is, the quicker and the longer your customers will stick to your business. By doing this, you improve the chance of driving more revenue as users navigate throughout the site. Google is more careful about what kind of content it wants people to see and engage with. Moreover, Google uses your user experience as a quality indicator. Better user experience brings in better customers to your business. It also elevates your organic ranking on Google.

How Newor Media Can Help

The strategies above not only increase AdSense revenue but can improve yield on any network. Depending on the network, you may be responsible for the heavy lifting. However, some ad platforms do offer assistance and tools to increase payouts.

At Newor Media, we help content creators boost their online earnings significantly. Our intelligent platform increases site performance and user experience, which in turn leads to a significant increase in ad display revenue. Moreover, by leveraging the power of AI, we can analyze user behavior at scale. Since we’re non-exclusive, publishers can use us alongside AdSense to increase earnings and performance.


Between AI and machine learning, growing your online presence has never been easier. However, many publishers are still struggling with increasing their AdSense earnings. With the right tool and strategies in place, monetizing your websites should not be a complicated process.

If you are looking for a reliable partner, Newor Media can help you maximize your AdSense earnings. By leveraging proprietary technology, we optimize user experience, website performance, and ads. Moreover, as an AdSense and Ezoic alternative, Newor Media optimizes ads for lightning-fast load time and refined on-site speed.

Dario Osowski

Senior Account Manager, Publisher Development: Newor Media

Dario is an ad tech superhero who is innovative and has solved complex technical and business matters that have generated high revenue growth for publishers. He has a strong technical background, provides technical concierge support, is highly analytical and solution-oriented. Dario currently works at Newor Media, where he provides technical and business support and solutions to publishers to generate the best revenue growth outcome in yield optimization management in the programmatic universe.