
Why TLS/SSL is Important to Secure Your Site

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In this digital age, we understand that the security of our online spaces has never been more critical. A startling report by SiteLock, analyzing 7 million websites, reveals that websites face an average of 94 attacks daily and encounter bots around 2,608 times a week. 

This highlights the importance of protecting our digital gateways against relentless cyber threats. At the forefront of this defense are TLS/SSL protocols, Transport Layer Security (TLS), and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which serve as the bedrock for securing online transactions and ensuring data privacy. 

Despite the critical role of TLS/SSL, a surprising 18.1 % of websites were found without a valid SSL certificate, leaving millions vulnerable to attacks. This blog will explore why TLS/SSL is indispensable for website security and highlight its significance in today’s internet-reliant world.

What is TLS/SSL?

TLS/SSL, which stands for Transport Layer Security and Secure Sockets Layer, respectively, are the pillars of secure Internet communication. These protocols create an encrypted link between a user’s browser and the website’s server. 

Think of TLS/SSL as a secure tunnel where data, such as passwords and credit card numbers, travels safely, shielded from the eyes of hackers and cyber snoops.

Initially developed in the mid-90s, SSL laid the groundwork for online security. However, as technology evolved and threats became more sophisticated, the need for more robust security measures led to the development of TLS. 

Each version of TLS has built upon the last, enhancing encryption methods, speeding up connections, and improving privacy measures. 

The latest, TLS 1.3, offers more robust encryption, reduced connection times, and better protection against attacks, ensuring our online interactions are safer and more private than ever before. This journey from SSL to TLS 1.3 illustrates the internet’s relentless pursuit of a secure and trustworthy environment for users and businesses.

Types of SSL Certificates

TLS/SSL certificates are essential for website security. Understanding the different types of SSL certificates is crucial for selecting the right level of security for your website. 

From basic domain validation to the highest level of validation, each certificate serves a specific purpose tailored to various website needs and security requirements. 

  1. Domain-validated (DV) Certificates: Quick and cost-effective, DV certificates verify the domain’s ownership. They are ideal for blogs and personal websites needing basic encryption.
  1. Organization-Validated (OV) Certificates: OV certificates require more validation, including the organization’s identity. They’re suited for business websites and provide a higher trust level.
  1. Extended Validation (EV) Certificates: Offering the highest level of security and trust, EV certificates involve thorough validation. They display the company’s name in the browser’s address bar.
  1. Wildcard SSL Certificates: These certificates secure a domain and unlimited subdomains, making them a flexible option for businesses with multiple sites.
  1. Multi-Domain SSL Certificates (MDC): MDCs allow you to secure multiple domains and subdomains with a single certificate, simplifying management for businesses with diverse web properties.

Importance of Website Security

In an era where data breaches are all too common, ensuring the security of your website is not just an option—it’s a necessity. Website security forms the cornerstone of safeguarding online interactions and maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of digital information. 

Here’s why robust website security measures like TLS/SSL are indispensable:

1. Data Privacy Concerns

Personal information is precious in our digital world, highlighting the importance of its protection. A secure website is a substantial barrier, protecting users’ sensitive data from unauthorized access. 

Such dedication to privacy keeps personal information secure and strengthens users’ trust in a platform. It guarantees that private details stay private, fostering a safe environment where users feel confident about the safety of their data.

2. Protection Against Cyber Threats

With cyber threats becoming more complex, strong website security is more important than ever. Attackers use various methods, like malware and phishing, to find and exploit weaknesses. 

Websites can protect themselves against these dangers by adopting strict security measures, including TLS/SSL. This not only ensures a secure browsing experience for users but also guards the site from potential harm, maintaining a safe online space free from the threat of cyber attacks.

3. Trust and Reputation Building

A secure website is a hallmark of trustworthiness and reliability in the digital realm. Websites can significantly enhance credibility by adopting and highlighting robust security measures like TLS/SSL. 

This attracts more visitors and fosters a sense of security, encouraging users to engage more freely and confidently, which is crucial for building a strong, reputable online presence.

4. Regulatory Compliance

Complying with strict data protection laws such as GDPR and CCPA goes beyond meeting legal requirements; it shows a solid commitment to user privacy. Implementing thorough website security protocols ensures that a site avoids fines and legal problems. 

The site also meets global data protection standards, proving its dedication to protecting user information. This approach builds trust and marks the website as a reliable protector of its users’ data.

Advantages of TLS/SSL for Website Security

TLS/SSL isn’t just a security feature; it’s a cornerstone of a trustworthy online presence. Here are five key benefits:

  • Encryption of Data in Transit: TLS/SSL ensures encrypted data between a user’s browser and the website. This makes it nearly impossible for hackers to intercept and decipher sensitive information.
  • Authentication and Verification: This process verifies your website’s identity to visitors, confirming that they communicate with the intended site. It builds user trust and confidence.
  • Integrity Assurance: TLS/SSL protects data integrity by preventing tampering during transmission. Users can be confident that the information they send and receive is as intended.
  • Improved Search Engine Ranking: Search engines favor secure websites. Implementing TLS/SSL can boost your site’s visibility, driving more traffic and potentially increasing conversion rates.
  • Compliance with Data Protection Regulations: TLS/SSL helps meet legal and regulatory requirements for data security, such as GDPR. This compliance is crucial for avoiding fines and enhancing user trust.
  • Customer Confidence: By displaying visible security indicators, such as the padlock icon and HTTPS in the address bar, TLS/SSL certificates significantly enhance customer confidence. Visitors know their data is protected, making them more likely to engage with your site, from browsing to making secure transactions.

Common TLS/SSL Implementation Challenges

Implementing TLS/SSL is a crucial step toward securing a website, but it has its hurdles. Each challenge requires careful consideration to maintain security and user experience, from managing certificates to ensuring compatibility. 

The following are the common challenges and how they impact TLS/SSL implementation:

  • Certificate Management: Keeping track of certificates is a meticulous task. Certificates have expiration dates and need regular renewal. Poor management can lead to expired certificates, causing security warnings that deter visitors.
  • Performance Overhead: TLS/SSL encryption adds a layer of computational work, potentially slowing down website performance. Optimizing server configurations and using the latest protocols can help mitigate this impact.
  • Compatibility Issues: Ensuring that TLS/SSL is compatible with a wide range of browsers and devices can be challenging. Older versions may not support the latest encryption standards, leading to accessibility issues.
  • Cost Considerations: Acquiring and renewing TLS/SSL certificates can incur costs, especially for extended validation certificates. Budgeting for these expenses is crucial for maintaining website security.
  • Configuration Errors: Incorrectly configuring TLS/SSL can leave websites vulnerable despite having certificates. Regular audits and adhering to best practices are essential to avoid such pitfalls.

Steps to Implement TLS/SSL for Website Security

Implementing TLS/SSL is critical in fortifying your website’s security, ensuring that data remains encrypted and secure. This process involves several key steps, each crucial for establishing a robust defense against cyber threats. 

Let’s walk through the five essential steps to implement TLS/SSL for website security effectively:

1. Choose a Reliable Certificate Authority (CA)

Selecting a reputable Certificate Authority (CA) is crucial for the security of your website. A trusted CA verifies your organization’s identity and ensures that your certificate is recognized across various browsers, laying the groundwork for a secure, encrypted connection. 

This initial step is fundamental, as it affects the trustworthiness and reliability of your site in the eyes of both users and search engines.

2. Select the Right SSL/TLS Certificate Type

SSL/TLS certificates offer various options tailored to meet specific security needs and trust levels. Domain-validated (DV) certificates provide basic encryption and are quickly issued, making them suitable for personal websites and blogs. 

On the other hand, Organization Validated (OV) and Extended Validation (EV) certificates offer higher security and trust, which is ideal for businesses and e-commerce sites. Choosing the right certificate type is essential for aligning with your website’s security goals and enhancing user confidence.

3. Install and Configure TLS/SSL on Your Web Server

After obtaining your certificate, the next crucial step involves installing and configuring it on your web server. This process includes generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), submitting it to your chosen CA, and then installing the issued certificate on your server. 

Proper installation and configuration are vital to ensure your website benefits from secure encryption and remains accessible to users without security warnings.

4. Regularly Update and Monitor Certificates

TLS/SSL certificates are not set-and-forget solutions; they require regular updates and monitoring. Since these certificates have expiration dates, timely renewal is essential to avoid lapses in your website’s security. 

Additionally, checking for any anomalies or issues is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your site’s encryption. Adopting a proactive stance in certificate management helps ensure ongoing protection and compliance with best practices.

5. Implement HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

Lastly, implementing HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) adds an essential layer of security, compelling browsers to use only HTTPS connections when accessing your website. 

This measure effectively blocks SSL stripping attacks and other insecure connections, reinforcing the security provided by your TLS/SSL certificate. By enforcing HSTS, you ensure that your website adheres to strict security standards, providing users with a safe browsing experience.

Real-Life Examples of TLS/SSL Importance

Several high-profile incidents vividly illustrate the critical role of TLS/SSL in ensuring online security. A notable example is the incident involving Cash App, where a former employee exploited their continued access to sensitive customer data after termination. 

This breach, which affected millions of users, underscores the critical need for robust access controls and the protective encryption that TLS/SSL provides. It reminds us that proper digital certificate management and secure communication protocols are essential for preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information.

In the e-commerce sector, the significance of TLS/SSL is underscored by the proactive measures companies take to protect customer transactions and data. 

For instance, Pegasus Airlines’ rapid response to a potential data exposure due to employee negligence demonstrates the critical role of TLS/SSL in preventing data breaches. 

Companies like Pegasus Airlines reinforce customers’ trust in their digital platforms by encrypting sensitive flight data and customer information.

Furthermore, the impact of TLS/SSL on enhancing user experience and trust is evident in how websites display security indicators. Secure sites using TLS/SSL encryption reassure users through visible signs of security, such as the padlock icon and HTTPS protocol in the browser address bar. 


We’ve seen how crucial TLS/SSL is for safeguarding our online world. These protocols are the backbone of internet security, encrypting data and building trust between websites and visitors. Implementing TLS/SSL isn’t just a good practice; it’s necessary to protect against data breaches and cyber threats in today’s digital landscape. 

We encourage every website owner to adopt TLS/SSL certificates. Whether running a personal blog or a large e-commerce platform, securing your site with TLS/SSL is essential for protecting your visitors’ data and enhancing your site’s credibility. 

Website security is an ongoing journey. By prioritizing TLS/SSL implementation, we can make the internet safer for everyone. Let’s commit to prioritizing security for our users’ sake and the future of our online presence. Together, we can foster a digital ecosystem where trust, safety, and privacy are not just aspirations but realities.

Dario Osowski

Senior Account Manager, Publisher Development: Newor Media

Dario is an ad tech superhero who is innovative and has solved complex technical and business matters that have generated high revenue growth for publishers. He has a strong technical background, provides technical concierge support, is highly analytical and solution-oriented. Dario currently works at Newor Media, where he provides technical and business support and solutions to publishers to generate the best revenue growth outcome in yield optimization management in the programmatic universe.