
How to Increase Ad RPM

RPM, or the revenue generated per 1,000 page views, is a crucial metric for publishers using Google AdSense. 

AdSense RPM tracks the income generated from each AdSense ad. It is essential to understand how profitable a website or blog may be. 

In this article, we will explore various ways to increase ad RPM. Increasing AdSense RPM will help bloggers and publishers maximize their ad revenue.

What Is Ad RPM?

RPM measures earnings per one thousand page views. It is similar to revenue per mille which measures how much you earn per a thousand video views. Mille is a Latin word for a thousand.

To calculate RPM, divide the estimated AdSense earnings by the number of page views multiplied by 1000. 

Here is the formula:

Publishers use this metric for the following purposes:

  • Determining the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns;
  • Tracking ad performance and estimated earnings;
  • Optimizing ad units for better results.

For example, if a swimming gear website generated $400 in earnings with 10,000 page views, the RPM for the page would be $40 ($400/10,000 X 1000).

This information can help publishers determine which pages are performing best. With this information, publishers can then make changes to improve their earnings.


CPM stands for Cost per Mille and is a metric used to calculate the cost of an advertisement for every one thousand people who view it.

Advertisers use CPM in budgeting to determine the cost of advertising per a thousand views on a publisher’s space. 

Expressing CPM in a currency such as dollars, euros, or pounds is typical. Using CPM interchangeably with page RPM (Revenue per Mille) is wrong because they don’t mean the same thing.

RPM measures the estimated revenue of an advertisement per every one thousand impressions.

RPM is different from CPM as it does not measure the cost of an advertisement.

What Affects RPM

Two metrics related to RPM that can affect its performance are:

  •  CPC (cost per click);
  •  CTR (click-through rate).

Cost per click (CPC) is the average cost of each click an ad receives. The higher the CPC, the more money you can make from each click. However, if you have a high CPC but low impressions, the number of clicks won’t matter because it won’t impact your revenue.

Click-through rate (CTR) measures the number of times people click on an advertisement. It is one of the most important metrics for a publisher because it represents the effectiveness of an advertiser’s campaign. A high CTR indicates that users are interested in the ad, while a low CTR could mean that they don’t find it relevant or interesting.

To ensure that CPC and CTR remain high, website owners should focus on creating high-quality content and optimize site speed for both desktop and mobile. Also, web owners should focus on optimizing ad placements. Ads should be relevant to the readers’ expectations and match the content.

Furthermore, ad exchange networks should optimize ad campaigns and track performance metrics. These metrics include ad impressions or views, clicks, and conversions through platforms like Google Analytics.

Strategies for Increasing RPM

As a publisher, your primary goal is to maximize your website’s RPM and revenues. 

Here are various strategies you can use.

Improve Content Quality & Scores

Improving content quality and scores is a very effective strategy for increasing RPM. Content quality plays a huge role in ranking a website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Good content is like a delicious meal – it’s all about the combination of the ingredients. When you combine them in the right way, the result can be extraordinary.

But what constitutes suitable content? What makes it so unique that it can make your business stand out?

Search Engine evaluation of the quality of content is based on criteria such as:


Readability is an essential criterion for evaluating the quality of content. Readable content determines how easy it is for users to comprehend the material and the message.

You can assess the readability of your site by analyzing various elements such as the length of sentences, the use of jargon, the complexity of the vocabulary, and the presence of visuals or media. 

Write your content concisely and straightforwardly to ensure the target audience can easily understand it.


Relevance is critical when assessing the value of content, as it ensures that the information is pertinent to the subject at hand. 

Content should be relevant to the topic and provide valuable information to the reader. It should also be timely, up-to-date, and accurate. 

Relevant content will help improve the overall user experience and keep readers engaged.


The accuracy of content must be verified to ensure that the information provided is accurate and trustworthy. 

Content should be thoroughly researched and checked for accuracy before being published. Cite your content appropriately, if necessary, to ensure the sources are acknowledged.


Originality is vital when it comes to evaluating content. Unique and fresh content can help a website stand out from the competition and provide readers with something new and exciting. 

It is essential to ensure the content is original and not a copy of another source. Content should be creative and engaging and provide value to the reader.

Use the Correct Ad Sizes & Formats

Using the correct ad sizes and formats can help increase RPM. 

If you’re using ads in small sites to make a significant impact, you’ll make less money than you would have if you had used more relevant websites. And if you’re using large ads on small sites, they may appear awkward and out of place. 

Always ensure to use an effective display to reach the intended audience. Also, the ads will be more engaging and clickable, leading to increased RPM.

When deciding on ad sizes and formats, it is essential to consider the following to create the most effective ads:

The Website Layout

It’s essential to consider the size and positioning of ads on a website. Place the ads, so they don’t disrupt the user experience or impede the website’s flow.

User Experience

When choosing ad formats and sizes, thinking about the user experience is essential. Place the ads strategically so they don’t disrupt the flow of the website or take away from the content. They should also be sized appropriately so users can quickly and easily interact with them.

Audience Demographics

Always tailor the ad size and format to the website’s target audience to ensure effectiveness. 

Consider their age, interests, and demographics to determine the best ad sizes and formats. For instance, if your target is younger, larger and more eye-catching ads may be more effective, while more subtle, smaller ads may be better for an older audience.

Enhance User Experience

When people visit a website, they want an intuitive design to help them quickly find what they want. More clutter from ads or intrusive ads can be off-putting and can cause people to leave the website, resulting in lower revenue.

For higher RPMs, it is crucial to ensure ads do not impact the user experience negatively. Avoid ads that are too obtrusive such as pop-up ads.

Ensure your ads are in spots where users are more likely to interact with them to improve your RPM. By enhancing user experience, users will stay longer and view more ads, which is a big win for your ad revenue ambitions.

Attract the Right Audience

Getting the right people to your pages is necessary, as this can significantly affect RPM. Use strategic marketing tactics like targeted advertising and local keywords.

Once you’ve got the perfect team in place, give them content that will resonate with them. That means ensuring the page ads are tailored to their interests and needs.

Give them an experience tailored to their wants and needs. If you do so, visitors will be more likely to engage with your content, leading to higher RPM.

Header Bidding 

Header Bidding helps publishers maximize their earnings from digital advertising. 

By adding a snippet of code to their website, publishers can monetize their inventory with multiple demand partners who bid for it in real-time. This process is sometimes called “pre-bidding” or “advanced bidding.”

The publisher distributes the impression among different parties, each of which bids on it, with the highest bidder winning the right to serve that impression.

By utilizing Header Bidding, websites can increase their ad inventory competition. The increase in demand for a publisher’s inventory means higher CPMs. The latter can translate into higher revenue and higher profits.

Also, Header Bidding can help publishers reduce the resources spent managing ad networks. They can automate and manage this process from a central location to increase operational efficiency.

Increase Organic Traffic

Increasing organic traffic is another excellent strategy for increasing RPM. Common sources of organic traffic include unpaid methods, such as:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Social media campaigns
  • Email marketing
  • Backlinking partnerships

Organic traffic is the best website traffic because it means people are landing on your page without even interacting with paid ads – they are on your website because they want.

The first step to increasing organic traffic is to optimize your site for search engines – usually called SEO. Add keywords to your products’ titles, descriptions, and tags.

Ensuring that your site loads quickly and has a clean design is also important so that Google views it favorably.

In addition to optimizing your site for search engines, you can use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to increase organic traffic by sharing links to your products on these sites.

Ad Networks

Ad networks are third-party websites that allow advertisers to display their ads on various websites. They do this in exchange for a commission or a fee. Using ad networks can help increase your RPM for the following reasons:


A good ad network will help you monetize your website and generate revenue. It’s easy to start with an ad network; most of them allow you to make money even if you have a small audience or traffic.


Most ad networks come with robust analytics tools that let you track how much revenue your website is generating and how many visitors are coming to your site. 

Their customized metrics can help you determine what works well and what doesn’t so you can tweak your strategy accordingly.


You can use various optimization tools provided by an ad network, such as heat maps or conversion funnels, to find out where people are clicking on ads on your website and which ones are performing better than others in terms of clicks/conversions/revenue generation.

Technical Issues

Technical problems can be incredibly frustrating and diminish the user experience. If you don’t resolve them quickly, they can negatively affect your bottom line.

Technical issues can range from slow loading times to broken links. Broken links are a result of poor coding or incorrect URLs. Slow loading times are a result of various factors, including:

  • Large files;
  • Sluggish server response times;
  • Insufficient bandwidth.

Website owners can increase RPM by implementing a caching system. 

Caching helps to make your website run faster by storing data in your computer’s memory. It allows the pages to be delivered to your visitors faster, as the server no longer needs to fetch the information when required. 


RPM (Revenue Per Mille) is an essential metric that measures you page’s revenue. It measures the effectiveness of publishers’ advertising campaigns. 

CPC (cost per click) and CTR (click-through rate) are the two main metrics that affect RPM.

To increase RPM, website owners can use various strategies, such as improving content quality and partnering with an ad network. Partnering with an ad network increases RPM as it helps to monetize the website and optimize ad placements. 

Website owners should consider several factors to find the best website ad network. Making sure your company receives guidance of Google Ad Manager and on how to increase Adsense Revenue is the first step into increasing your profits. 

If you’re a website owner looking to make the most of your advertising campaigns and maximize your earnings, then Newor Media is your perfect partner. 

Our features help you optimize your ad placements and increase your ad revenues. 

To learn more about Newor Media or how much your website could earn, visit our homepage or try our website earnings calculator.

Dario Osowski

Senior Account Manager, Publisher Development: Newor Media

Dario is an ad tech superhero who is innovative and has solved complex technical and business matters that have generated high revenue growth for publishers. He has a strong technical background, provides technical concierge support, is highly analytical and solution-oriented. Dario currently works at Newor Media, where he provides technical and business support and solutions to publishers to generate the best revenue growth outcome in yield optimization management in the programmatic universe.