
When To Put Ads on Your Website: A Comprehensive Guide

Deciding when to add ads to your website is an essential choice that influences your digital enterprise. The placement and timing of display ads can make all the difference in optimizing ad revenue, while maintaining an enjoyable user experience for your visitors.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll answer the question: “When Should I Put Ads On My Website?”. You’ll learn many important website advertising skills, including understanding display ads, estimating potential earnings from selling ad space, and identifying when your site is ready for monetization.

When To Put Ads on Your Website

Running ads on a website is a monetization method used by publishers. However, many struggle with knowing the right time to place ads on their site. Display ads can be effective and generate revenue if certain conditions are met, such as minimum traffic requirements and content relevance. 

The Importance of Timing in Ad Placement

To maximize ad effectiveness and revenue potential, you must consider content topicality, audience engagement, and consistent website traffic before placing display ads on your site. 

What Are Display Ads?

Display ads are a form of online advertising that promote products or services through visually appealing graphics, text, and other media elements. Display ads seek to draw the eye of viewers and drive them to click or buy, having become a ubiquitous part of surfing the web.

There is a wide variety of ad sizes and placements available for display ads, ranging from small banners at the top or bottom of web pages to large rectangles in sidebars or within the content. The effectiveness of these ads depends on factors such as website traffic, relevance to the site’s content, and user engagement with the ad itself.

  • Banner: A horizontal ad typically placed at the top or bottom of a webpage
  • Sidebar: A vertical ad usually found alongside content in sidebars
  • In-content: An ad embedded within written articles or blog posts

Selecting appropriate ad placement, size, and format can significantly impact your campaign’s success by reaching your desired audience more effectively. If you’re considering placing ads on your website, there are a few things to keep in mind to optimize your ad revenue.

How Much Can Selling Ad Space Earn?

Earnings potential from selling ad space on your website depends on various factors, such as website content, traffic, and payout terms like RPM, CPC, or CPM. There are multiple ways to measure the value of an ad:

  • Flat rate: A deal is made with the publisher for a fixed amount.
  • Clicks: Revenue generated per click on ads.
  • Impressions: Earnings based on every thousand impressions (CPM).
  • Sessions per month: Total number of visits in a given period.
  • Pageviews per session: The average number of pages viewed during each visit.

How To Know When Your Website Is Ready for Monetization

As a website owner, monetizing your site with ads can be an excellent way to generate revenue. However, knowing when to start placing ads on your website can be tricky. There are specific indicators that will let publishers know when their website is ready for ad monetization.

The ideal time to start running ads will depend on the niche and goals of the website. Often, the first year of starting a new website should be spent gaining traffic/audience and figuring out what works for the intended audience while working your way into organic search rankings.

  • Traffic: You need consistent traffic coming in before you consider putting up display ads or paid advertisements on your site. A good rule of thumb is to have at least 100+ visitors per day.
  • Content: Having enough content added to the site – around 50 articles – gives advertisers confidence that they’ll have relevant ad space in which they could place their products or services.
  • Audience Targeting: Advertisers want their message seen by people who would potentially buy from them; hence it’s essential to identify and target audiences’ interests through keyword research, social media engagement, etc., so you’ll not only drive more qualified leads but also optimize ad revenue based on relevant metrics like click-through rates (CTR).
  • Policies Compliance: To ensure Google Adsense policies compliance before serving any advertisement make sure all guidelines are met.

How To Put Ads on Your Website

If you’re a publisher looking to monetize your website, one of the best ways is by placing ads on it. Advertisers are always looking for relevant advertising space to reach their target audience and publishers can earn revenue from displaying those ads.

Newor Media: A Great Option for Publishers

Here at Newor Media, we are a leading programmatic ad management company. We have robust relationships with major demand partners, helping publishers to monetize their websites through display ads!

  • User-Friendly Platform: Applying to Newor Media is easy and straightforward – apply online and our approval team will review your application as soon as possible.
  • Dedicated Publisher Development Team:  If you encounter issues getting your ads running with Newor, don’t worry! Our dedicated publisher development team will assist, so that everything runs smoothly.

A Closer Look at Google Adsense

Google Adsense is one of the most popular advertising networks in the world. 

  • Ad Formats: With Google Adsense, you can choose from a variety of ad formats including display ads, text ads, link units, and more. This gives you flexibility when deciding where to place your ads on your website.
  • Ad Placement: You have control over where your ads appear on your site by using tools like AdSense Auto-Ads or manually placing ad units in specific locations on each page.
  • Earnings Potential: The amount that advertisers pay for clicks or impressions varies depending on several factors such as competition for keywords and audience demographics. However, publishers typically earn anywhere from $0.05 – $5 per click or 1000 impressions (CPM).

How Many Ads Should Be on a Website?

As a website owner, you may wonder how many ads you should place on your site. While there is no magic number that works for everyone, the goal is to make extra revenue and bring in more traffic overall.

The Optimal Number of Ads

If you want to know the answer to “When Should I Put Ads On My Website?”, you should also think about how many ads to put on your site. If you run too many ads, it will reduce user experience and cause traffic to fall. Therefore, testing is crucial in determining the optimal number of ads that can run without negatively affecting traffic levels.

  • User Experience: Consider user behavior when deciding where to place ads. Popups are generally not well-received by users and can even result in increased bounce rates. 
  • Ad Sizes: The size of an ad also plays a role in its effectiveness. Larger ad sizes often have higher click-through rates (CTR) than smaller ones but may take up too much space on mobile devices or slower internet connections.
  • Type of Ads: Different types of ads work better depending on the website’s niche and target audience. For example, display ads might work best for blogs while video or interactive media could work well for gaming sites.

Balancing Ad Revenue With User Experience

To optimize ad revenue while maintaining a good user experience, you must strike a balance between these two factors. You can achieve this through effective ad management strategies, such as monitoring performance metrics like CTRs & RPMs, along with Google’s AdSense policies. Avoid overloading pages with irrelevant or intrusive advertisements that may detract from enjoyment and engagement with your site content.

Ultimately, the decision of how many ads to place on your website depends on various factors like your target audience, ad formats, and types of ads. By testing different placements and sizes, while keeping user experience in mind, you can find the right balance for revenue generation and visitor satisfaction.

Need help with monetizing your website? Check out Google AdSense, one of the most popular monetization platforms available today. You can also explore programmatic advertising options through ad demand partners like Google’s AdExchange or other ad networks to serve relevant ads to your visitors.

Incorporating paid ads into a website is an effective way to make money from it, but remember, not at the cost of user experience!


Now that you have a clearer understanding of when you should put ads on your website, don’t forget that one fundamental requirement is traffic. Without consistent traffic, the impact and revenue from the ads will likely be minimal. Therefore, developing a strong, engaged user base should be a priority.

To get a clearer idea of your website’s potential earnings from ads, use a website earnings calculator (this one is our’s, here at Newor Media), which allows you to estimate how much your website can earn by running ads!

Bridget George

Senior Account Manager, Publisher Development: Newor Media

Bridget is a dynamic business development and account manager. She has been in the ad tech industry for over 7 years and is known for her ability to drive innovative solutions and foster strategic growth. Passionate about her work, she excels in managing key accounts and ensuring client satisfaction.