
How to Link Google Analytics to AdSense & Why You Should

If you’re a website owner or publisher, you’re probably always looking for ways to make money from your site. One way to do this is through ad exchanges, and one of the most popular ad exchanges is Google AdSense. 

AdSense allows you to place ads on your site and earn money based on clicks or impressions. However, to take advantage of AdSense, you need to link your Google Analytics account to your AdSense account. This article will show you how to do that and explain why it’s essential.

 By linking your Google Analytics account to AdSense, you’ll be able to track your traffic and earnings more effectively. You’ll be able to see which pages are generating the most revenue and adjust your ad placements accordingly. 

You’ll also be able to track your conversion rates and ensure that you’re getting the most out of AdSense. In short, linking your accounts is essential if you want to make the most out of Google’s ad exchange program.

What Is Google Analytics?

The free web analytics tool, Google Analytics, monitors and reports website traffic. It is a great way to see your website’s performance and identify improvement areas. 

You can use Google Analytics to track SEO progress, assess the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, and learn more about your prospective clients. 

The system uses a variety of metrics to provide insights into website performance, including page views, time on site, bounce rate, and conversion rate.

You can also see how your website ranks in google search results and track your ads’ click-through rate (CTR). With this wealth of data at your fingertips, you can optimize your website to attract more visitors and convert more leads into customers.

To start with Google Analytics, you must create an account and add the Analytics code to your website. This is known as an Analytics property. If you use other Google products on your websites, such as AdSense or DoubleClick, you can integrate them with Analytics for even more insights into your website traffic.

What Is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a program website owners can use to make money from their content. The way it works is that Google will match ads to the website based on the content and the visitors. These ads are made by the people who want to advertise their product or service.

 The benefit of this system is that it allows publishers to make money from their content without directly selling ads. 

AdSense is an ad network that connects advertisers with websites that want to host their ads. An ad exchange is similar but allows websites to auction off ad space to the highest bidder. 

AdSense performance data collected by Google shows that this system is effective in terms of both click-through rate and conversion rate. 

Benefits of Linking Google Analytics & AdSense

Linking your Google Analytics account to your AdSense account has several benefits:

  • You’ll see which of your webpages are bringing in the most money. This information can be valuable in determining which content is most beneficial to your readers.
  • You’ll be able to identify which region of the world provides you with the most income. This can help target your marketing efforts.
  • You’ll see which website referrals bring in the most money.

Again, this information can help determine where to allocate your marketing budget. While there are some downsides to linking these two accounts, overall, it is a helpful tool for understanding your readership and making money from your website.

Newor provides a service that can help you to link these two systems together and get the most out of them. In addition, we can help you to understand the data that google analytics provides and show you how to use it to improve your AdSense ad placements. 

How To Get Started With A Google AdSense Account

Before you can start making money with Google AdSense, you’ll need to set up a new account (unless you already have a Google account, in which case you can use that). Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up your new AdSense account: 

  1. You’ll need a Gmail account to begin with.
  2. The content you have created – this could be a blog or site that you own, and it follows the policy rules
  3. You’ll have to sign in to your Google account and enter the URL of the site you want to have ads on 
  4. It’ll then ask you to pick if you wish AdSense to give you performance suggestions 
  5. It’ll ask you to read through the terms and conditions of having an AdSense 

How to Link Google Analytics & AdSense

Google Analytics and AdSense are two essential tools for any website publisher who wants to make money from ads. By linking these two platforms, publishers can get detailed insights into their traffic and earnings. 

Here’s how to link Google Analytics and AdSense:

  1. First, Sign in to your Google Analytics account.
  2. Next, Click on the Admin tab.
  3. Select the Analytics account containing the property you want to link with your AdSense account from the account column.
  4. Choose the Analytics property you want to link, and click AdSense Linking in the property column.
  5. Click + New AdSense Link On the ‘AdSense Linking’ page.
  6. Choose the AdSense property you want to link with your Analytics property.
  7. Then, Click Continue.
  8. Next, you’ll need to select the Analytics views in which you want your AdSense data to be available.
  9. Click Enable Link.
  10. Click Done. 

Note that if you’re just getting started with google analytics, you should set up Google Analytics 4 since the current Google Analytics version. This is because the current google analytics will be sunsetting in 2023.


If you’re looking to link your Google Analytics account to AdSense, there are vital points to keep in mind. First, you’ll need to create a new property in Google Analytics, and then link that property to your AdSense account. 

Once you’ve done that, you can start using AdSense analytics features to understand your website traffic and users better. 

However, if you’re new to programmatic advertising or experiencing issues with AdSense, starting with another platform like Newor Media or Amazon Associates might make more sense. With so many options available, there’s no need to force yourself into using a tool that isn’t a good fit for your needs.

Dario Osowski

Senior Account Manager, Publisher Development: Newor Media

Dario is an ad tech superhero who is innovative and has solved complex technical and business matters that have generated high revenue growth for publishers. He has a strong technical background, provides technical concierge support, is highly analytical and solution-oriented. Dario currently works at Newor Media, where he provides technical and business support and solutions to publishers to generate the best revenue growth outcome in yield optimization management in the programmatic universe.