
Website Ads: 11 Different Types of Ads and How They Work

Online ads have come a long way from what they used to be. Before, there was no organization for ad placement because sellers would just put the product wherever consumers would likely see them.

Nowadays, ad formats have step-by-step processes to become more strategic in online marketing.

This article will teach you how ads work, the types of ads we often see, and how much people make from ad revenue.

How Do Website Ads Work?

Many programs and services are available to help get in contact with ad companies, but the quickest way is to keep your webpage updated with the latest demographic trends.

Having well-known companies advertise their brand on your website can increase consumer traction and improve overall interaction with the site.

Ad exchanges are also helpful. They are digital marketplaces where many publishers gather to offer and trade space for advertisement opportunities. Bloggers, magazine editors, and other businesses utilize these ad networks to post their ads on desktops, in-apps, and mobile devices.

How Much Do Website Ads Pay?

Bringing a lot of traction to your website is necessary because that’s how you make money off the ad placements.

The number of page views, clicks, and active engagement add to the ad revenue. 

The most common method for pricing web ads is the cost per thousand (CPM). For every 1000 digital impressions an ad gets, the advertiser pays an agreed-upon fee to the website owner. The standard pay is usually $2 per 1000 impressions.

Cost per click (CPC) is similar to CPM, but the advertiser only pays when visitors click on the ad.

Display Ads

Display ads are one of the most common types of online advertising found on the internet. They can be found and posted on any website and make their earnings on a CPC basis.

The best place to promote display ads is on targeted websites that gain many impressions daily, like Facebook, or Google’s search engine.

These ads are great for beginners since setting up is simple, but they are easy to get rid of with installed ad blockers.

Video Ads

Video ads are a modern form of advertisement for today’s generation. Online video platforms like YouTube use in-stream ads to play skippable or non-skippable commercials in certain parts of the video.

Generally, these ads have 5 seconds before the skip button is activated, so companies have to make their product enticing for viewers to keep watching further.

Video ads are a great way to give your product exposure, and short ads are more appealing than longer ones.

Banner Ads

Banner ads are another form of display ads. The advertiser buys ad space on a website to gain more exposure for the brand or product.

The main problem with these ads is how often they appear as a pop-up. The worst kinds are those that feel out of place, whether for their size, color, orand level of obnoxiousness.

Banner ads can appear as static images or GIFs, and if you plan accordingly, it’s a profitable way of monetizing a website.

Retargeting Ads

Retargeting ads are for visitors who frequent your website regularly. They follow a marketing strategy that reminds people about the product before leaving the site.

When those same visitors come back, there’s an ad placement of the product last visited and attempts to make a sale. The more page views received, the higher the ad impressions will be for the products.

Most people spend 10-40% of their monthly budget on remarketing, and any more than that is asking for a budget expansion.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a commission-based strategy in which one website promotes a business, and any leads that become a sale will be a profit for the website owner.

Bloggers and social media sites can work with well-known brands like Wirecutter or PC Mag to attract new followers with links and a shoutout.

Amazon currently has one of the best affiliate programs on the web with its fair commission rates and a trustworthy reputation.

Sponsored Content

Sponsored content is similar to affiliate marketing since they bring in a third party to promote their product or business. The difference is sponsored content is more organic and blends with the user experience.

You can find sponsored content on many social media platforms. If you have a following on Twitter, you can get paid with sponsored tweets, and many youtubers create sponsorship segments in their videos.

It’s all about how natural the ad feels in context.

Popular Ad Providers

If you are considering using an ad network to promote your business, popular ad providers are your only option to monetize content.

They connect advertisers and publishers with a pool of ads ready to be promoted.

When choosing your ad provider, it’s crucial to know what click-through rate you’re looking for, the types of attribution, and the cookie policy.

Here are a few well-known Ad networks.

Newor Media

Newor Media is an ad network popular for many publishers with its high-speed runtime and easy optimization.

Newor Media offers its services in exchange for two mandatory banner ads. Other ad networks will ask for at least six forms of ad placements. 

This provider cares about the user experience and puts the website first before the promotions.


Ezoic is considered the intelligent network for its AI program that controls all the business and strategies to monetize a website.

This sophisticated, data-driven AI can perform many features like top-quality SEO performance, increase ad revenue, and improve the user experience.


This ad network does all the ad management in the background and allows content creators to focus on their work without the stress of keeping track of their revenue.

The only requirement is having the online traffic be a minimum of 50,000 visits a month.


AdSterra is known for smart advertising and strategic methods to help website owners and bloggers monetize their content efficiently.

Payment is fast, and the network offers many methods to collect and has high CPM rates, which is desirable to both publishers and advisers.

The requirements to join are also fair, with just a minimum of 5,000 visitors.

Google Adsense

Google Adsense is one of the most popular ad network programs available.

With Adsense, Google does all the work for you and serves up contextual google ads relevant to your site. A majority of websites used Adsense for its easy-to-use platform and mobile optimization.

There are also mirror alternatives of Adsense that exist, and you would benefit greatly by doing a quick google search and exploring other options.

Bridget George

Senior Account Manager, Publisher Development: Newor Media

Bridget is a dynamic business development and account manager. She has been in the ad tech industry for over 7 years and is known for her ability to drive innovative solutions and foster strategic growth. Passionate about her work, she excels in managing key accounts and ensuring client satisfaction.