In the world of digital ads, header bidding has been a game-changer. It lets publishers sell ad spaces to many buyers at once, leading to better earnings. But there’s a catch. The process can get complex and might only sometimesRead more…
The Evolution of Programmatic Header Bidding: A Comprehensive Overview
As our world transforms digitally, advertising has evolved significantly with the advancement and innovations of more streamlined methods. Imagine when publishers and advertisers faced losses and craved more efficiency, transparency, and flexibility. Header bidding is a revolutionary approach that hasRead more…
The Future of Programmatic Advertising: Trends in Header Bidding Technology
Programmatic advertising has revolutionized the way online ads are bought and sold. Using machine learning, ad space is purchased to ensure that ads reach the right audience at the right time. A crucial aspect of programmatic advertising is header bidding.Read more…
Common Challenges in Programmatic Header Bidding and How to Overcome Them
Programmatic header bidding has revolutionized how publishers monetize their websites. At its simplest, it’s a technology that allows multiple advertisers to bid in real-time for ad space on a website, ensuring publishers get the best possible revenue from each adRead more…
What is Bidstream Data?
Advertisers and publishers have competing goals: Advertisers are trying to reach the right audiences with the lowest possible cost while maximizing conversions. Meanwhile, publishers want to maximize the amount of revenue they generate from ads to support their operations. However,Read more…
Mobile Ad Viewability: Everything You Need to Know
For mobile advertising, you only get paid when people see the ads you’re running on your site or app. So, ad placement and the viewability rate determine whether an ad gets counted as viewed. Just because an ad loads onRead more…
How to Increase Ad Fill Rate
Increasing your Ad Fill Rate is crucial to maximizing revenue for marketing teams and businesses in the publisher industry. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of Ad Fill Rate and its significance in revenue generation for nicheRead more…
What is Bid Shading?
Bid shading is a technique used by demand-side platforms (DSPs) in AdTech to adjust winning bids. DSPs using bid shading will create an average between the lowest and highest bid on an impression to prevent advertisers from overpaying. Bid shadingRead more…
How Many Ads Should You Put On Your Website?
Generating revenue through ad placements on a website is a common strategy used by online advertising executives, bloggers, and publishers. However, there is no set rule for determining the correct number of ads to feature on a site. But fearRead more…
7 Proven Ways to Monetize Your Website
While there are plenty of ways to monetize your website, we’ve put together a list of the seven most common monetization methods that are trending — and generating significant revenue for bloggers and publishers. 1. Build and Flip Websites BuildingRead more…